同时,参照IFRS 5《持有待售的非流动资产和终止经营》第6段规定:“Anentity shall classify a non-current asset (or disposal group) as held for saleif its carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transactionrather than through continuing use.”(即:如果一项非流动资产(或处置组)的账面价值将主要通过一项出售交易而收回,而不是通过对该资产的持续使用收回,则该项非流动资产(或处置组)应分类为持有待售。)
IFRS5第7段规定:“For this to bethe case, the asset (or disposal group) must be available for immediate sale inits present condition subject only to terms that are usual and customary forsales of such assets (or disposal groups) and its sale must be highly probable.”(即,为了满足上述条件,该项资产(或处置组)应能够立即以其当前的状态出售,且仅受限于出售该类资产通常遵循的条款和惯例,且其出售应当是有很大可能性的。)
IFRS5在其后附的示例“Guidance on Implementing IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations”中,对于如何判断满足“持有待售资产”的确认条件,给出了下列举例:
Toqualify for classification as held for sale, a non-current asset (or disposalgroup) must be available for immediate sale in its present condition subjectonly to terms that are usual and customary for sales of such assets (ordisposal groups) (paragraph 7). A non-current asset (or disposal group) isavailable for immediate sale if an entity currently has the intention andability to transfer the asset (or disposal group) to a buyer in its presentcondition. Examples 1–3 illustrate situations in which the criterion inparagraph 7 would or would not be met.
An entityis committed to a plan to sell its headquarters building and has initiatedactions to locate a buyer.
(a)The entity intends to transfer the building to a buyer after it vacates thebuilding. The time necessary to vacate the building is usual and customary forsales of such assets. The criterion in paragraph 7 would be met at the plancommitment date.
b)The entity will continue to use the building until construction of a newheadquarters building is completed. The entity does not intend to transfer theexisting building to a buyer until after construction of the new building iscompleted (and it vacates the existing building). The delay in the timing ofthe transfer of the existing building imposed by the entity (seller)demonstrates that the building is not available for immediate sale. Thecriterion in paragraph 7 would not be met until construction of the newbuilding is completed, even if a firm purchase commitment for the futuretransfer of the existing building is obtained earlier.
An entityis committed to a plan to sell a manufacturing facility and has initiatedactions to locate a buyer. At the plan commitment date, there is a backlog ofuncompleted customer orders.
(a)Theentity intends to sell the manufacturing facility with its operations. Anyuncompleted customer orders at the sale date will be transferred to the buyer.The transfer of uncompleted customer orders at the sale date will not affectthe timing of the transfer of the facility. The criterion in paragraph 7 wouldbe met at the plan commitment date.
(b)The entity intends to sell the manufacturing facility, but without itsoperations. The entity does not intend to transfer the facility to a buyeruntil after it ceases all operations of the facility and eliminates the backlogof uncompleted customer orders. The delay in the timing of the transfer of thefacility imposed by the entity (seller) demonstrates that the facility is notavailable for immediate sale. The criterion in paragraph 7 would not be metuntil the operations of the facility cease, even if a firm purchase commitmentfor the future transfer of the facility were obtained earlier.
Anentity acquires through foreclosure a property comprising land and buildingsthat it intends to sell.
(a)Theentity does not intend to transfer the property to a buyer until after itcompletes renovations to increase the property's sales value. The delay in thetiming of the transfer of the property imposed by the entity (seller)demonstrates that the property is not available for immediate sale. Thecriterion in paragraph 7 would not be met until the renovations are completed.
(b)After the renovations are completed and the property is classified as held forsale but before a firm purchase commitment is obtained, the entity becomesaware of environmental damage requiring remediation. The entity still intendsto sell the property. However, the entity does not have the ability to transferthe property to a buyer until after the remediation is completed. The delay inthe timing of the transfer of the property imposed by others before a firmpurchase commitment is obtained demonstrates that the property is not availablefor immediate sale. The criterion in paragraph 7 would not continue to be met.The property would be reclassified as held and used in accordance withparagraph 26.
(b)在更新改造完成并将不动产划归为持有待售资产后,但在获得确定购买承诺之前,该主体开始意识到需要补救的环境的破坏。主体仍将出售该不动产。但是,直到补救措施完成后主体才有能力转让该不动产。获得确定购买承诺之前其他人对该不动产转让强加的时间上的推延表明该不动产还不能立即出售。不再符合第7段的标准。该不动产应根据IFRS 5第26段的要求重新划归为持有并使用。